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Curated by: Foteini Vergidou in collaboration with

TILT Platform: Makis Faros, Zoi Pirini, Apostolos Zerdevas, Takis Zerdevas





Part One: The Project Gallery, 3 Normanou Str, Athens, GR 

Opening: Saturday, 08 October, 18:00 – 22:00

Exhibition Duration: 08 October – 05 November 2022 

Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday: 12:00 – 20:00


Part Two: MISC Athens, 20 Tousa Botsari Str, Athens, GR 

Opening: Tuesday, 11 October, 18:00 – 22:00

Exhibition Duration: 11 October – 05 November 2022

Opening Hours: Wednesday - Friday: 12:00 – 20:00, Saturday: 12:00 – 18:00


Part Three: BHD Hub, 2-4 Zan Moreas, Athens, GR

Opening: Tuesday, 11 October, 18:00 – 22:00

Exhibition Duration: 11 October – 05 November 2022

Opening Hours: Wednesday - Friday: 12:00 – 20:00, Saturday: 12:00 – 18:00



What does ‘safe mode’ mean when it takes on an anthropological function and is applied to politics, technology, ecology and personal experience?


TILT Platform adopts the term ‘safe mode’ as it is used in technology, to describe the process proposed as the only possible solution when our computers and smart devices are unable to function normally after a major crisis. During this mode of operation, they provide their minimal capabilities and maintain their contact with the user, in order for them to save valuable files and repair – where possible – the damage.


‘Safe mode’ by definition emphasizes the need for security over freedom. The artists explore the redefinition of public and private sphere, the increase of technological superiority and the rapid changes that are taking place in the work field. 

The new politics of everyday life intensify the anxiety and insecurity of citizens, who constantly cede their rights to the state, so that the latter can restore normality after a crisis. However, the legitimization of violence in the name of security allows more intrusive surveillance measures to be established against them. 


The exhibition also looks at the fragile states of the Arab world, since they are permanently in ‘safe mode’. There, the citizens have only the absolutely essential capacities at their disposal and deal repeatedly with protracted conflict.


Finally, the global political instability and the intensification of the ecological destruction, reinforce the feeling that the world as we know it, is collapsing. Some of the works have a denunciatory intent, some others retain their humoristic vibe and some return to alchemical practices, in order to narrate a future without humans, where the intensity of the crisis is decreasing and balance is restored.


Participating Artists: 

Nikos Arvanitis (GR), Aram Bartholl (DE), Browser Based (Zsolt Mesterhazy & Alex Zakkas) (NLD / GR), Sofia Caesar (BR), Paolo Cirio (IT), Manja Ebert (DE), Adrianos Efthymiadis (GR) & Iria Vrettou (GR), For Cancel (Makis Faros, Zoi Pirini, Takis Zerdevas) (GR), Elisa Giardina Papa (IT), Basim Magdy (EGY), Theophanis Melas (GR), Simon Menner (DE), Yorgos Papafigos (GR), Michalis Zacharias (GR), Apostolos Zerdevas (GR)


Collaborating Artistic Platforms: Miden Video Art Festival which is represented by curators Gioula Papadopoulou and Olga Papadopoulou and the artists Marcos Bonisson & Khalil Charif (BRA), Isabelle Nouzha (BEL / LBN), Cesare Saldicco (IT), Hana Yoo (DE) and Ana ÄŒigon (SVN), M.A.M.A. contemporary which presents artists Yiannis Christidis (CY), Yioula Hatzigeorgiou (CY), Andreas Savva (CY) and Nicos Synnos (Cy), and lastly Museum of Forgetting which is represented by Konstantin Economou (GR / SWE) and Jasmin Rapti (GR).


Art Direction: Eleni Simantiraki


With support of the Flemish Government, Department of Culture, Youth & Media and the support of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia


Printing Sponsor: Image Works 




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